Welling School in Zambia 2011

On July 8th 2011, 10 Students and 4 Staff from Welling School will head for Zambia to coach some of the most underpriveleged children from government schools and orphanages, on how to play the game of Tag Rugby.

The Students have spent the last year raising money to fund the project themselves. Over £20,000 has been raised so far!

As well as coaching the children in Zambia they will also be training the School Staff and leave enough equipment and resources for the schools to continue playing and enjoying the game. Donations can be made using this 'justgiving' link :


You can follow their progress through this Blog. Thank you for your interest.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Wednesday 20th July - The Final Day

This morning we travelled back to Lusaka from Livingstone. Its amazing how much quicker a journey is when your bus doesn't break down!!!!

When we returned to Baobab School, everyone had some time to refresh themselves and pack their bags.

Just before we went out for our final meal in the evening, the Welling Team met up together for one last meeting. It was an opportunity for the Staff to praise the fantastic achievements of the Students and the legacy they will leave with the hundreds of children in and around Lusaka. It was a chance to reflect on what was an unforgettable time in an amazing part of the world. Emotions were high and it was obvious to all that our time in Zambia had affected us all in some way.
There was only one thing left to do after our meeting...The Chicken Dance! Both Mrs Killington and Nathalie (a Volunteer who worked with us) worked with the hundreds of younger Zambian children who were unable to take part in our Tag Rugby coaching. They were fantastic at ensuring that these Children also had a fun time and one of their favourite activities was the 'Chicken Dance' which was a simple song with actions. The perfect way to end a wonderful Tour.

It was then off to 'Chit-Chats', a local restaurant owned by a Sponsor of our tour. Nothing unusual on the menu apart from fantastic food. All the Team were also given their certificates for achieving their Basic Tag Rugby Coaching Award which was run by Mr Robinson from Hurstmere before they came to Zambia.
So, we have come to the end of our Tour of Zambia 2011 and what an experience it has been. From the days of coaching the happiest children, to our visit to the Victoria Falls, it has been a roller coaster of emotions.
The Welling Students have been so instrumental in ensuring that we will not forget what happened here. Their interaction with the children, their dedication and enthusiasm has been a joy to witness; a real credit to their Families. We have watched them display skills and attributes we never knew they had, and grow into young adults before our eyes. It was a very humbling experience for the Staff.
There are many people whose efforts have ensured that the Tour has been a success and we would like to give our thanks:-

Trevor Martingell from the TRT for all his efforts and co-operation.

Mark Robinson from Hurstmere School.

Huw and Celi, our Tour Leaders from the TRT who have been fantastic from day one. Celi was also the official photographer and has taken some outstanding photos of the group which will be displayed on the Blog when we return to the UK.

Nathalie and James Emmerson who came along as Volunteers but were immediately adopted by the Welling Team.

John, the Deputy Head of Baobab School and all his Staff , including his son David.

The fantastic schools here in Zambia who have welcomed us with open arms.

The Staff and Pupils from Welling School who have assisted us on our long journey.

Our Head Teacher, Diane Khanna, and our Deputy Head Teacher, Jenni Tyler Maher who have given the Welling pupils the opportunity of this life changing experience and supported us from the beginning.

A huge Thank You to the Parents and Families of our Welling Team who have worked through tough times during our fundraising to enable their children to have this amazing time.

To everyone who has supported us along the way.


Please keep your eyes on this Blog as there will be more photographs and videos added once we return to the UK.

We are all now looking forward to being back at home tomorrow.

Goodbye Zambia. We will never forget you.

Please click on the link below to see all the photos from Wednesday 20th July

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